Supervisory Board

Talanx AG’s Supervisory Board has been chaired by Herbert K. Haas since 2018. It has a total of 16 members. Detailed information on its Committees, its Rules of Procedure, on the professional and personal suitability of the Supervisory Board members (in German only) and on their qualifications can be found here.

Herbert K. Haas
Chairman of the Supervisory Board
Professional career – mandates

First elected: 8 May 2018

Elected until: 2028 Annual General Meeting

Place of residence: Burgwedel, Germany

Year of birth: 1954

Place of birth: Bad Urach

Nationality: German

Chairman of the following Supervisory Board Committees

  • Personnel Committee
  • Standing Committee
  • Nomination Committee

Member of the following Supervisory Board Committee

  • Finance and Audit Committee

Jutta Hammer
Deputy Chairwoman
Professional career – mandates

First elected: 1 February 2011

Elected until: 2029 Annual General Meeting

Place of residence: Bergisch Gladbach, Germany

Year of birth: 1968

Place of birth: Alzey

Nationality: German

Member of the following Supervisory Board Committees

  • Finance and Audit Committee
  • Standing Committee

Angela Titzrath
Deputy Chairwoman
Professional career – mandates

First elected: 8 May 2018

Elected until: 2028 Annual General Meeting

Place of residence: Hamburg, Germany

Year of birth: 1966

Place of birth: Essen

Nationality: German

Member of the following Supervisory Board Committees

  • Finance and Audit Committee
  • Personnel Committee
  • Standing Committee

Natalie Bani Ardalan
Staff representative
Professional career – mandates

First elected: 7 May 2024

Elected until: 2029 Annual General Meeting

Place of residence: Springe

Year of birth: 1972

Place of birth: Sevenoaks, United Kingdom

Nationality: German, British

Member of the following Supervisory Board Committee

  • Finance and Audit Committee

Rainer-Karl Bock-Wehr
Staff representative
Professional career – mandates

First elected: 9 May 2019

Elected until: 2029 Annual General Meeting

Place of residence: Cologne, Germany

Year of birth: 1960

Place of birth: Bad Hersfeld

Nationality: German

Dr Joachim Brenk
Chairman of the Management Board of L. Possehl & Co. mbH
Professional career – mandates

First elected: 04.05.2023

Elected until: 2027 Annual General Meeting

Place of residence: Lübeck, Germany

Year of birth: 1961

Place of birth: Essen

Nationality: German

Member of the following Supervisory Board Committee

  • Nomination Committee

Sebastian L. Gascard
Staff representative
Professional career – mandates

First elected: 9 May 2019

Elected until: 2029 Annual General Meeting

Place of residence: Isernhagen, Germany

Year of birth: 1964

Place of birth: Hannover

Nationality: German

Member of the following Supervisory Board Committee

  • Personnel Committee

Dr Christof Günther
Managing Director of InfraLeuna GmbH
Professional career – mandates

First elected: 04.05.2023

Elected until: 2027 Annual General Meeting

Place of residence: Merseburg, Germany

Year of birth: 1969

Place of birth: Saalfeld (Saale)

Nationality: German

Member of the following Supervisory Board Committee

  • Finance and Audit Committee

Dr Hermann Jung
former member of the Board of Directors of Voith GmbH
Professional career – mandates

First elected: 6 May 2013

Elected until: 2026 Annual General Meeting

Place of residence: Heidenheim, Germany

Year of birth: 1955

Place of birth: Bad Kreuznach

Nationality: German

Chairman of the following Supervisory Board Committee

  • Finance and Audit Committee

Dirk Lohmann
Vice Chairman of the ILS Business Unit of Schroders Capital, Schroder Investment Management (Switzerland) AG
Professional career – mandates

First elected: 6 May 2013

Elected until: 2026 Annual General Meeting

Place of residence: Forch, Switzerland

Year of birth: 1958

Place of birth: Kippenheim

Nationality: German

Member of the following Supervisory Board Committee

  • Nomination Committee

Christoph Meister
Staff representative
Professional career – mandates

First elected: 8 May 2014

Elected until: 2029 Annual General Meeting

Places of residence: Hannover and Berlin, Germany

Year of birth: 1965

Place of birth: Hannover

Nationality: German

Dr Sandra Reich
Independent Business Consultant for Sustainable Finance
Professional career – mandates

First elected: 04.05.2023

Elected until: 2027 Annual General Meeting

Place of residence: Gräfelfing, Germany

Year of birth: 1977

Place of birth: Parchim

Nationality: German

Matthias Rickel
Staff representative
Professional career – mandates

First elected: 7 May 2024

Elected until: 2029 Annual General Meeting

Place of residence: Hannover

Year of birth: 1966

Place of birth: Hannover

Nationality: German

Prof. Dr Jens Schubert
Staff representative
Professional career – mandates

First elected: 8 May 2014

Elected until: 2029 Annual General Meeting

Place of residence: Potsdam

Year of birth: 1969

Place of birth: Bad Homburg v.d. Höhe

Nationality: German

Member of the following Supervisory Board Committee

  • Standing Committee

Patrick Seidel
Staff representative
Professional career – mandates

First elected: 7 May 2024

Elected until: 2029 Annual General Meeting

Place of residence: Hannover

Year of birth: 1984

Place of birth: Hildesheim

Nationality: German, British

Norbert Steiner
former Chairman of the Board of Management of K+S AG
Professional career – mandates

First elected: 6 May 2013

Elected until: 2026 Annual General Meeting

Place of residence: Baunatal, Germany

Year of birth: 1954

Place of birth: Siegen

Nationality: German

Member of the following Supervisory Board Committee

  • Personnel Committee