The Supervisory Board has formed four committees from among its members. These support the full Supervisory Board in performing its tasks.
Finance and Audit Committee
Preparation of financial decisions for the full Supervisory Board
Decisions in lieu of the full Supervisory Board on certain financial matters, including the establishment of companies, acquisition of participations and capital increases at subsidiaries within defined value limits
Dr Hermann Jung (Chairman)
Natalie Bani Ardalan
Dr. Christof Günther
Herbert K. Haas
Jutta Hammer
Angela Titzrath
Personnel Committee
Preparation of personnel matters for the full Supervisory Board
Decisions in lieu of the full Supervisory Board on certain personnel matters for which the full Supervisory Board is not required to assume responsibility
Herbert K. Haas (Chairman)
Sebastian Gascard
Norbert Steiner
Angela Titzrath
Standing Committee
Proposal for the appointment of a Board member if the necessary two-thirds majority is not achieved in the first ballot in accordance with section 31(3) of the German Co-determination Act (MitbestG)
Herbert K. Haas (Chairman)
Jutta Hammer
Prof Dr Jens Schubert
Angela Titzrath
Nomination Committee
Proposal of suitable candidates for the Supervisory Board’s nominations to the Annual General Meeting