The Talanx Group considers compliance with the law both as a matter of course and as a prerequisite for long-term business success. The Talanx Compliance Department supports employees in this area.
The Code of Conduct for our staff defines standards for responsible and ethical behaviour at all levels of the Group. all Group employees must ensure that they observe this code and the laws, guidelines and instructions governing their areas of work.
Our business success depends not only on the quality of our products and services, but also on our employees behaving towards each other, our business partners and the general public in a legally correct and responsible manner. This is the only way to create trust – an especially crucial competitive factor in our industry.
We organise training events and programmes to give staff the opportunity to refresh, broaden and deepen their knowledge of and familiarity with selected compliance topics.
A whistleblower system allows staff to report certain serious breaches of the law anonymously, if they so desire. This enables the Compliance Department to take action on the report, contain the damage and avoid further harm.
In particular, the whistleblower system enables users to draw attention to human rights risks and environmental risks, and to violations of human rights and environmental obligations that have already happened as a result of the Talanx Group’s business activities or those of their direct suppliers. As such, it can also be used for complaints pursuant to section 8 of the German Supply Chain Due Diligence Act (LkSG). More details can be found in the Rules of complaints procedure linked here.