Risk management

Risk management Derived from our corporate strategy, our risk strategy formulates the objectives of and structures for risk management. Our acceptance of risk is governed by the guidance issued, and decisions made, by the Board of Management on the Group’s risk budget. Our risk strategy is a stand-alone set of rules that provides the foundation for Group-wide risk management. In conjunction with value-based management, our risk strategy is an integral component of our entrepreneurial activities and is also reflected in the detailed strategies for the various divisions.

As an internationally active insurance and financial services group, we consciously enter into a wide range of risks that are inextricably bound up with our business activities. Both our corporate strategy and our risk strategy are subject to an established review process. We aim to use this regular review and, where necessary, adjustment of our assumptions to ensure that our strategic guidelines are appropriate at all times, and that we therefore act on the basis of adequate information at all times.

The Talanx Group satisfies all supervisory solvency requirements currently in force.

Risk management reports

Click here for an overview of our SFCR reports.

Risk management reports