We currently operate under the traditional HDI brand, which can draw on more than 120 years of experience, in the Industrial Lines, Retail Germany and Retail International divisions. HDI offers its customers in Germany and around the world comprehensive insurance protection tailored to their needs.
HDI logo
HDI Global SE
In the Industrial Lines Division HDI Global SE which has specialised exclusively in this business – dedicates itself to the insurance needs of trade and industry in Germany and worldwide. HDI Global SE is the strong partner for companies in the trade, manufacturing and service sectors. We are a one-stop shop for innovative solutions geared to a client's specific needs. HDI Global SE develops bespoke insurance concepts precisely tailored to the operating risks facing every size and type of company. Comprehensive risk management designed to prevent losses and damage occurring forms just as much part of the company's reliable service as professional and prompt claims management.
For decades HDI Global SE has ranked among the leading insurers of corporate clients, industrial enterprises and mid-sized businesses in Germany. HDI Global SE has eleven branches nationwide that offer the entire spectrum of individual customer support services. Not only that, the insurer is also active in more than 130 countries through its branches, subsidiaries and affiliates abroad as well as network partners.
Whether the risks be liability, property, fire, business interruption, D&O, motor or marine, HDI Global SE offers the entire range of products for protecting against the risks of doing business. Worldwide coverage in the form of international insurance programmes, comprehensive support for insurance aspects of personnel deployment abroad and KLIMArisk – insurance protection for weather-related risks – are further examples of our performance capability.
External link to the HDI Global SE website.
HDI Versicherung AG
In the Retail Germany Division small and mid-sized enterprises as well as self-employed professionals find the insurance protection that fits their requirements at HDI Versicherung AG. Featuring sector-oriented solutions and modular insurance packages, the company offers businesses in the commercial, service and craft sectors comprehensive and at the same time affordable insurance protection. HDI Versicherung AG also addresses retail customers with a need for more extensive consulting support, including in the area of private insurance coverage. HDI operates through the sales channels of brokers and tied agents and offers customers quick and easy direct access through some 90 business offices, 12 call centres and via www.hdi.de (German website).
HDI Bancassurance
HDI Bancassurance is a business area in the Talanx Group’s Retail Germany Division. It focuses on insurance sales via banks, savings banks, fintechs, financial service providers, etc. and comprises the brands LifeStyle Protection, neue leben and TARGO insurers.
External link to www.hdi-bancassurance.de
Lebensversicherung AG
HDI Lebensversicherung AG offers products and a comprehensive range of services for risk protection and retirement provision. A modern and trailblazing standard of the insurance industry, the broad scope of its offerings extends from traditional to individually tailored provision solutions. They include unit-linked life insurance, annuity and term life insurance as well as (strict any occupation) disability insurance. A particular strategic focus is on the area of occupational retirement provision: activities here are coordinated by HDI Pensionsmanagement AG, which operates as the central service provider for the Talanx companies in all aspects of occupational retirement provision.
External link to the German website of HDI.
The Retail International Division is home to those companies whose business involves serving retail customers in the areas of property insurance, life insurance and bancassurance in foreign markets. The division is headed by HDI International AG. Most of HDI International’s subsidiaries represented in 10 countries in Europe and Latin America operate under the HDI brand. External links to the websites of our subsidiaries (each in local language or English):