Xperience Culture: strategic measures for embedding corporate culture

Companies that want to remain fit for the future in an evermore dynamic world, and to retain their employees for the long term, must maintain and enhance their corporate culture. This is why the Talanx Group has introduced three new formats for embedding its culture: its global Culture Days, a Culture Summit and the international Culture Hub. All three are designed to raise awareness of the cultural transformation and promote dialogue.


The Culture Days aim to allow staff to experience the Group’s corporate culture first-hand and let them participate in the process of ongoing cultural change. The focus is on digital offerings on core topics relating to cultural change and on local measures, reflecting the Group’s decentralised approach.

The kick-off Culture Summit in Berlin was attended by corporate culture drivers from all divisions and different countries, who met to discuss relevant transformation issues together.The focus was on networking, on providing stimulating ideas and on learning together.

The Culture Hub brings the events together, with experts from all areas of the Group meeting once a quarter to develop event topics and approaches.

More than 3,000 members of staff took part in the events in the course of the last year, and a large number of additional ones are also planned for 2024.