Female Finance – Retirement provision

Women are much more likely than men to be hit by poverty in their old age, since their pensions at the end of their working lives are over 40% smaller. The gap is due to typical differences in their employment histories: women are more likely to interrupt their careers, while more of them also work part-time. At the same time, they also act as unpaid carers much more frequently.


A focus on retirement provision for women: neue leben and savings banks provide information and demonstrate solutions

neue leben insurers – which is part of the Talanx Group and partners with a large number of German savings banks – has set itself the goal of drawing attention to, and raising awareness of, this situation. This is why its lead focus in 2023 was on “women and retirement provision”. It aims to partner with savings banks to ensure everyone – be they male or female – has the chance of financial security in their old age.

neue leben developed a broad-based offering for savings banks to use in their advisory activities. The focus is on providing financial knowledge, creating transparency and offering solutions.

Savings bank staff received extensive training to raise their awareness of the issue. A “female finance check” is used to give women an initial overview of their position, opening the way for specialised advisory services at the savings banks. A magazine and a podcast series on women and retirement provision provide background knowledge.

Regionally tailored events aimed at female customers Complete the package.