Corporate News

Participation rate in the employee share programme at Talanx is nearly 42 percent

  • Number of subscribers and subscribed shares reaches all-time high
  • Three-stage participation model wins over employees
  • 302,498 new shares subscribed

Never before have so many employees at the Talanx Group purchased shares in their employer within the scope of the employee participation programme. The number of subscribed shares also reached an all-time high. In the last two weeks of October, employees in Germany had a choice between three programme options and could acquire up to 30, 120 or 288 Talanx shares. The Group subsidised these with 15 euros, 7.50 euros and 5 euros respectively. Employees therefore had the opportunity to make full use of the adjusted tax-free amount of up to 1,440 euros.


“For our purpose Together we take care of the unexpected and foster entrepreneurship, there is scarcely any better implementation than the employee share programme. Employees have the opportunity to participate twice over in the success of the company through the prospect of a regular dividend and through participation in positive share-price performance – so they also derive economic benefit from our Together,” commented Talanx Chief Financial Officer Dr Jan Wicke. “We are confident that our customer-centric approach and efficiency orientation will continue to exert a positive impact on business performance after the progress that we have already made. The coronavirus pandemic and the flooding in Europe this year have been key experiences where we have concrete proof that we are standing shoulder to shoulder with our customers in times of crisis.”

Overall, employees have now subscribed to 701,133 shares in a total of four employee share programmes. As a result of a capital increase making use of authorised capital, Talanx will create a total of 302,498 new shares in the context of this year’s employee share programme. The total number of shares will thereby increase by nearly 0.12 percent to 253,100,132. The Haftpflichtverband der Deutschen Industrie Versicherungsverein auf Gegenseitigkeit (HDI V.a.G., Mutual Liability Association of German Industry) now holds 78.94 percent of the shares in Talanx AG as the majority shareholder.


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