Corporate News

General Meeting of Talanx AG approves dividend increase

The Annual General Meeting of Talanx AG today approved by a large majority all resolutions proposed by the Board of Management and Supervisory Board. On the basis of robust Group net income in the 2013 financial year, the shareholders voted that a dividend of EUR 1.20 (1.05) per share should be paid. This is equivalent to a good 14 percent increase relative to the previous year. The dividend yield amounts to 4.9 percent based on the year-end closing price.

In his address Chief Executive Officer Herbert K. Haas highlighted the Group's successful development. Despite exceptionally high large losses expenditure, Talanx boosted its Group net income in the 2013 financial year to EUR 762 (626) million. "We are systematically pursuing our path towards greater internationalisation and further boosting of profitability. This is again also paying off for our shareholders too in the form of a significant increase – by a good 14 percent – in the dividend", Mr Haas commented.

In the second year after the initial public offering 400 shareholders were present at the Hannover Congress Centrum, representing 91.5 percent of the company's share capital.

The end of the General Meeting marked the beginning of the new term of office of the employee representatives on the Supervisory Board. New members joining the body as trade union representatives are Prof Dr Jens Schubert and Christoph Meister.


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