Group News

First half-year 2023: Group net income at record level

"The first half-year gives us confidence that we will exceed our insurance revenue and Group net income targets for the full year," said Talanx CFO Jan Wicke about the Group's half-year result.


Talanx increases insurance revenue to EUR 20.9 (19.2) billion in the first half-year and achieves a record Group net income of EUR 827 (686) million. The return on equity is 18.4 (15.4) percent. The good half-year result was influenced by inflation-related price increases, a low major losses volume and effects deriving from the new accounting standards.

The Group is optimistic that it will exceed its outlook for the full year: For the end of the year, the Group had set itself the target of achieving insurance revenue of EUR 42 billion and a Group net income of EUR 1.4 billion. Additionally, the Group aims for a return on equity of clearly above 10 percent by the end of the year.

You can find out more about the result and the outlook for the current financial year in the video on the half-year result by Jan Wicke.


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